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The phase of HWC Mitigation Measure

Contribution to National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan (HWC-NAP)

Strategic Priority A: Addressing the key drivers of HWC in India

Strategic Priority B: Reducing the direct pressures that lead to a conflict situation

Strategic Priority C: Making available information and data on HWC to decision makers and field response teams for effective mitigation

Strategic Priority D: Reducing the negative impacts of HWC on humans and wildlife

Strategic Priority E: Effectively implementing the national, state and local HWC mitigation plans, by strengthening financial and institutional structures

Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Relevance to Post-2020 Biodiversity Action Targets of CBD

Strategic Priority A: Reducing Threat to Biodiversity by 2030

Strategic Priority B: Meeting People’s Needs Through Sustainable Use and Benefit-Sharing

Strategic Priority C: Tools and Solutions for Implementation and Mainstreaming