Guidelines for Mitigating Human-Gaur conflict

Gaur is generally a shy animal and faces a general threat due to rapid loss, degradation and fragmentation of forests, proliferation of invasive weeds, diseases, illegal hunting, conflicts with people and escalating anthropogenic pressure. HGC currently involves the form of crop damage, occasional attacks on domestic livestock and straying into human use areas; but in some area’s loss of human life and injury to people may also occur. In recent years owing to deterioration of quality of habitat and fragmentation due to road and railway network, gaur is increasingly extending their range into human use areas where they have become resident in tea and coffee estates, and from where they also tend to move into settlement areas. The coexistence of people and Gaur is at stake due to change in Gaur behaviour as well as perception of people from empathy to hostile behaviour.

The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate a common understanding and consensus among key stakeholders in India, on key approaches and possible solutions for mitigating human gaur conflict in India.

Download a copy of the guidelines here