Guidelines for Mitigating Human-Wild Pig conflict
The purpose of developing the Guidelines on HWC mitigation is to facilitate a common understanding and consensus among key stakeholders in India, on key approaches and possible solutions for mitigating human-wildlife conflict in India. READ MORE
These guidelines get their overall context from the National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan (HWC-NAP). The guidelines use the same basic framework of guiding principles and approach within which the National HWC Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan is developed:
- Working towards Harmonious co-existence: All efforts must be made to ensure that the mitigation measures are developed, assessed, customization, and evaluation of site-specific HWC mitigation instruments that are effective & wildlife friendly
- Holistic approach in addressing conflicts by considering the thematic triangle of driver-prevention-damage mitigation
- Participatory approach to plan, develop and implement HEC mitigation measures
- All measures to be implemented using a blended approach to ensure that a fair combination of views and experiences from the field as well advice from policy level informs the mitigation measures
- Efforts will be made for alignment of the guidelines with other existing and ongoing strategies, plans and processes
Download a copy of the guidelines here